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CCSA Media Kit: OEA Strike

February 23, 2019

CCSA Media Kit: OEA Strike

The goal of this media kit is to provide one location with all relevant information related to a strike by the Oakland Education Association (OEA) in the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), and the impact of the strike on Oakland’s charter public schools. 

For media inquiries and requests for Interviews, please contact:

Brittany Parmley

CCSA’s Statement on the OEA Strike

Oakland’s charter public schools hope that the dispute between the Oakland Unified School District and the Oakland Education Association can be resolved quickly so that we can shift our collective energy to priorities that unify us. We should all be marching together in Sacramento on behalf of all public schools to increase statewide funding for our most vulnerable students and bring more resources and support to teachers.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Are charter schools public schools?
Charter schools are public, free and open to all.

Are charter public schools unionized?
Charter public schools, like all public schools, are subject to the Educational Employment Relations Act (EERA) and the state's collective bargaining laws. The decision to unionize is made at the school level involving schools and their employees on a case by case basis. CCSA estimates that approximately 30 percent of charter public schools in California have some form of a collective bargaining agreement or representation.

What is CCSA’s position on the strike?
CCSA is not a party to the negotiations between OEA and OUSD. We hope the dispute can be resolved quickly.

We agree there is a need for increased funding for all public schools. California, despite being a progressive leader on so many issues, is near the bottom in spending on public education. All public schools are underfunded and all public school teachers deserve more resources and support. Everyone in California who cares about public education needs to work together to focus on these very real issues.

Additional FAQs about the OEA strike and its impact on charter public schools can be found here.

Additional Resources

The following are resources for the media and public regarding on a strike by the Oakland Education Association (OEA) within the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD):

Frequently Asked Questions Charter Public Schools 101
Answers to frequently asked questions about charter public schools and what they mean for students, teachers and communities including an introductory overview of key issues. 

Fact Sheet: OUSD charter public schools
Charter public school growth and enrollment, student demographics and academic performance statistics in OUSD.

Independent charter public schools in OUSD
A list of independent charter public schools located within OUSD. All independent charter public schools in Oakland operate as nonprofit organizations and are separate from, but closely overseen, by OUSD. They are also not part of current collective bargaining negotiations between OUSD and OEA. These schools will be open during a strike. 

CCSA: OEA Collective Bargaining Negotiations
CCSA is not a party to the negotiations between OEA and OUSD. We hope the dispute can be resolved quickly and have voiced our concerns directly with Superintendent Dr. Kyla Johnson-Trammell and the President of the Board of Directors, Aimee Eng. 

News & Press

For media inquiries, please contact Brittany Parmley at or 916-221-8588.