SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, the Senate Education Committee heard Senate Bill 756, an extreme and divisive piece of legislation authored by Senator Maria Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) and sponsored by the California Teachers Association (CTA). The bill, which passed the Senate Education Committee, rips opportunity and public school options away from California’s most vulnerable families. The following statement is from Myrna Castrejón, president and CEO, California Charter Schools Association (CCSA):
“Today, Sacramento politicians shamelessly put politics before kids and voted against the very families they claim to represent. California’s families want and deserve great public schools. We cannot accept legislation that forces students out of schools where they are finding success, often for the first time. It’s time to put politics aside and support all public schools that are helping our students grow and thrive, while also balancing the very real needs of local school districts. Our kids are depending on it.”
About California's Charter Schools Association:
The vision of CCSA is to build great public schools of joy and rigor that prepare all California students for success in college, career, community, and life. The mission of CCSA is to meet parent, educator, and community need for great public school options by supporting and advocating for high quality non-profit charter schools and sharing their success throughout California’s public schools. Learn more.