SACRAMENTO, CA – In an updated response, CCSA President and CEO Myrna Castrejón issued the following statement after both Assembly Bill (AB) 1506 and Senate Bill (SB) 756 were defeated and moved to the inactive file:
"Charter public school families’ voices were heard loud and clear by Sacramento politicians: We cannot and will not accept legislation that limits access to great public schools. Today, the collective power of charter school leaders, teachers, families and students defeated this extreme legislation and with their voices, we’ll continue to do all we can to defend great public schools throughout California.”
Charter public school families were outraged by a package of legislation that threatened to rip opportunities and public schools from families throughout California. Authored by Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento), AB 1506 would have imposed a district-level cap on the opening of new charter public schools, while SB 756 by Senator Maria Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) would have imposed a two-year moratorium on the opening of new charter public schools.
AB 1506 moved to the inactive file earlier this morning, while SB 756 moved to the inactive file yesterday afternoon.