Charter schools embrace student differences. In charter schools with the most autonomy and flexibility over their special education programs, students with disabilities are educated in inclusive learning environments at higher rates than in traditional public schools.
Inclusive learning environments are strong predictors of student success. And charter schools across the state are providing greater learning gains for students with special needs. (CREDO, CA, 2014)
Charter schools implement targeted interventions and create supportive school communities to help all students thrive.
In recent years, charter schools have increased their capacity and gained flexibility and funding in special education. As a result, charter schools are serving more and more students with disabilities. Many charter schools now serve approximately the same proportion, or more, of students with disabilities as traditional district schools.
Systemic policy barriers that limit the ability of charter schools to reach their full potential in service of students with disabilities need to be addressed at the Capitol.
Are you ready to help charter schools better meet the needs of students with disabilities?